Tuesday, May 24, 2016

By Kallie

P for Pajama Day!

I had a great Tuesday!  We went to art and gym.  It was letter Pp day.  I was the calendar helper.  I played fairies outside at recess with Aubrey and Avery and Caitlin.  We finished making our backgrounds for reader's theatre.  We videotaped our stories!  I'm in The Three Little Pigs one.  We made a beach picture in art.  I am wearing pajamas today.  I'll see you on Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your videos! What great reading you all did in your stories! I can't believe how much you've all learned in Kindergarten. You should all be SO proud of yourselves! ~Mary's mom

Kloskey Kids said...

Amazing videos! You did an awesome job!

Weston's mom

Kloskey Kids said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow - you have all become GREAT readers this year! I loved all of the videos. Have a great Wednesday!

Cora's mom