2015 Gingerbread Girl Sightings!

Thank you for keeping an eye out for the Gingerbread Girl!  We sure hope she comes back soon!  If you happen to see her, feel free to leave us a comment.  Don't forget to sign your post so so we know who you are.
Thanks for all of your help!

Here's a picture from Malorie's house!  Thanks for trying to catch her Malorie!!

Mr. Waller caught her on the security cameras!!!  It was at 2:00 Tuesday, so maybe she's trying to come back to school???

Here are some pictures from Fynn's trap!  You can see the bites she took!!!

Here are some pictures from Emma's house!  That Gingerbread Girl sure is sneaky!!

Kallie went to the domes!  Look behind you Kallie!!

Here's a note from Fynn's house.  It says "Ha Ha, nice try!"

Look what happened at Sal's house!

Charlie made a trap with: jewelry, candy & money (because girls like jewelry, candy & money) to catch the gingerbread girl.

We thought for sure he'd get her but after staying up for 2 nights all he got was a crumb.  She took off with candy and a piece of the jewelry.  Thanks for the hard work Charlie!

We received a postcard from the middle of the Pacific Ocean!  It was from Cora's Grandpa Tito!  The Gingerbread Girl was seen taking pictures of orcas!

Then she was in Nebraska by Cora's other grandma! 
Then we got another postcard from somewhere in the southwest from Grandpa Tito!  The Gingerbread Girl was chasing roadrunners on an electric bike!  AAAAGGHH!!!

Mary's Grandma and Grandpa mailed us a letter too - They saw her run into Grandpa's woods!

We got a postcard form someone Sal knows in Colorado!  The Gingerbread Girl was climbing a mountain!

Look at the Gingerbread houses Weston made to trap her!  Thanks for trying Weston!

"It's Andon, Weston's brother.  I was at Piggly Wiggly getting donuts on Saturday with Superstar and thought I spotted the Gingerbread Girl. I ran other after her but she got away.  When I looked down I saw a Gingerbread Cake!  She must be getting closer!!"


Anonymous said...

My dad saw her on the way home from work! She had a sign that said she was looking for a ride to the airport! ~Mary and her dad

Unknown said...

My mom saw her on the way when we were going to the ymca. We saw her with a sign that said help me! By Alex and Matthew

Unknown said...

Charlie & I made gingerbread cookies today. We hope they can convince the gingerbread girl to come over & be friends!

Anonymous said...

My Uncle Paul saw the Gingerbread Girl in the Las Vegas Airport getting on a plane to Wisconsin!! He said she was running really fast in the airport. Becca

Anonymous said...

Rosie and I woke up this morning to a chattering in the backyard, and to our very tired eyes we saw this Gingerbread girl running through our yard. Then our dogs,

Gunner and Seana ran towards the windows barking and wagging their tails. The Gingerbread Girl was yelling Mary, Mary, Mary where are you?.

Before we knew it she was gone. We looked all over Mequon, Wisconsin, but couldn’t find her. Mary, do you know where she is going?

Rosie put the dogs on the search for the Gingerbread Girl and they know which way she was going, but the rain washed everything away. Maybe we will fine or see her again.


Uncle Bob and Aunt Rosie


And Seana

Oops almost forgot “Celine”

Anonymous said...

Malorie set a trap last night but we didn't catch the gingerbread girl! Malorie left out a piece of licorice for her to snack on...and she did! There was a bite missing.

She did leave behind some gumdrops! We will try again tonight! :)

Emma James said...

Emma made a trap for the gingerbread girl last night and used licorice as bait. Today, while at school, the gingerbread girl came and ripped off a piece of the licorice! We didn't catch her this time, but will keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Kallie went to the domes on Monday. One of the domes was a gingerbread dome. We think the gingerbread girl went to the domes to see some of her friends. Kallie's grandma saw her playing in this big tree.

Unknown said...

Sals godparents Erik and Jody live in Colorado . Crazy she made it to the mountains! It must have been cold!