Friday, January 22, 2016

What a great day!

Chinese New Year!  We had an excellent presentation today about Chinese New Year!  We got to be part of the parade!  Amazing!

  Here is our Hat play - what amazing actors and actresses we have!


Unknown said...

The play was great'!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow!! Awesome play!! I hope you do another play this school year!

- Kallie's Mom

Unknown said...

Mrs. Haas,
Your class ROCKED that play! I think everyone did a great job in their roles. Charlie noticed that since I have been reading the blog and all of the take-home photo books, I could recognize just about everyone when they came on to do their parts. I hope your buddies enjoyed the performance too. Nice work on the costumes and even that goofy duck call! Have lots of fun today.

- Charlie's mom.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love your play! You all did a great job, and I bet you had lots of fun doing it. What a great class you have! ~Mary's mom