Wednesday, September 16, 2015

By Sal

Look at those picture day smiles!

Or maybe they were like this? :)

Learning how to make a graph with Miss Dunlap.

Analyzing our graph, what do we notice?

Which months had the most birthdays?

It was a fun day!  We learned about Hh.  I did work on writing.  I wrote letters!  We made a birthday graph.  We had a music class.  I was the calendar helper!  I love school!


Anonymous said...

I had such a GREAT Wednesday with all of you! I was glad to be back at school and feeling better. Making our birthday graph was we know which months have the most and least birthdays in our class! See you on naughty Thursday :)

Anonymous said...

"I love school!" - George

What great smiles you all had today! I love all of the pictures. It's so fun to see what you do everyday! :) - George's mom

Unknown said...

Wow you are all learning so much! You all looked awesome on picture day! I had fun walking you down to the cafeteria to get your pictures taken. See you all soon!

Anonymous said...

I really love everyone's silly faces! Hopefully you all had a great smile for picture day. Have a wonderful Thursday!
-Aubrey's mom