Thursday, April 19, 2012

By Morgan

We did a angelfish project.  They have fins on the bottom and the top.  We watched a video of the angelfish.  It was swimming around in the ocean.  They eat algae.  They are brightly colored like blue and yellow.  We went to watch a show to see Ronald McDonald.  He teached us to be respectful, kindful, and nice. Ronald McDonald had a bucket and a paintbrush and a lady had to put the paintbrush in the bucket and then a blue one came out and then she put it back in the bucket and a yellow one came out, then the red one came out.  It was like magic.  We did a pocket game in math.  Mrs. Haas, she put like 4 cubes in, then she took 1 out, then we had to figure out how many was in the pocket.  We learned a lot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You saw Ronald McDonald. Looks like you had a good time at the show.

Have a good weekend!

Katelyn, I love you!
(Mrs. Heard)