Friday, April 20, 2012

By Cael

We talked about crabs today.  Crabs have shells.  Mrs. Haas was pretending that she was crabby.  :) They have 10 legs.  We did the crab walk.  They eat plants and animals.  They are omnivores like some dinosaurs.  We also learned about hermit crabs.  Hermit crabs can be pets to some people.  They like a dark place and they eat fresh fruit and vegetables.  We read a book called Shell Shopping and A House for Hermit Crab. We used the calculators today to do the right answer of the number problem.  Kindergarten was the most money for One for Books for the book fair so we had a ice cream sandwich for snack today!!!!!!!!!!  Yum!  Have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Friday was another fun-filled kindergarten day! I don't know much about crabs, except that I like to eat them. Yum yum! Cracking those hard shells is the tough part, though.

Great job on the blog, Cael. I love you!

Mrs. Bertrandt

Anonymous said...

You kids are getting so smart! I learn a lot just reading your daily blogs. Way to go on earning those ice cream sandwich treats! Have a great week! I miss you Cael...

Denise (Grandma) Spilinek XOXO