Friday, May 13, 2016

By George

Letter Ii - lots of interesting facts today!

Making lanterns for camping!

Bringing along some food!  


The Pet Store

The Fire Department and EMT's

Pretending Paige fell and hurt her arm and leg!

Strapping her up to take her to the ambulance

Lots of EMT's to help!

She says, "I'm ok!"

Citizen's Bank

I had a great Friday!  We had a little music.  The bank came and we learned about coins!  The Pet Store brought pets!  The fire people came and they put Paige in the ambulance.  They were pretending she was hurt!  We had recess.  I will see you on Monday!


Unknown said...

I can't believe how many different fun things you got to do today! I am glad Paige wasn't really hurt, but just pretending. Did the EMT's tell your class about things that they can do to help if there's an emergency at school? Lots of smiles at recess and even more for the visiting pets.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Charlie's mom

Unknown said...

From Kallie I'm glad Paige wasn't really hurt otherwise that is bad!

Anonymous said...

Wow - Paige sure is a smiley patient! What an amazing day you guys had! ~Mary's mom