Friday, April 29, 2016

By Fynn

Mary's mom came in to end her super star week to teach about the different kinds of rocks!

Thanks for sharing! :) 

In math we played "Make my Design"...we had to copy our partners design without looking!!!  Ask me about it and play it at home!

We made sure to use positional words to help our partner copy our peaking!!!

I had a super awesome day.  The awesomest day of my life.  We had calendar.  I was the calendar helper.  We did not have daily 5.  We learned about honeybees and fireflies.  I learned that baby fireflies eat worms, snails, and slugs.  We had recess.  I played with Keaton.  I played on the swing set.  I ran and ran and ran.  We had math.  We played make my design.  I was partners with Owen.  
My design was a pretty hard one.  He did the two bottom ones sideways but mine was up and down. We had music.  We played a game in music.  We played where are the kindergarteners? We finished our bug journals.  This morning we wrote about what we are going to do this weekend or what we think we might do.  We had play time.  I played with Charlie and Lex at blocks.  Honeybees eat nectar.  See you on Monday!   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a fun day for your class, Mrs. Haas. I think studying rocks sounds pretty cool. Hard to believe that tomorrow is the start of the "A-B-C's" countdown until the end of the year. Have a great week everyone!

Charlie's mom