Wednesday, February 3, 2016

By Charlie

More objects for our 3D shape museum!

What shapes do you see?

Ask me about the fishing game?

What was our fishing rule?

Charlie came up with his own rule, can you figure out why he caught these fish?

Working together as a team!

Comparing length and ordering our strings.

I had a good day!  We measured who was the tallest at our tables.  I was the tallest at table 1 so I had to put my string at the end and it went littlest to biggest.  At playtime I played with George and we played with Knex.  We had an adventure!  We learned about a new strategy during daily 5.  It was Flippy the Dolphin.  If the short vowel doesn't work flip to the long vowel.  Like drive - it's not driv, you say the long i sound - drive.  I'll see you tomorrow!


Unknown said...

Hey Charlie,
Looks like you had a lot of fun today. It took Dad & I a couple guesses to figure out all the patterns, but I'm glad we did. Can't wait to see what everyone brings in for the 100th day.
Charlie's mom

Unknown said...

Charlie says,
"We're going to read some of the Malcolm at Midnight book tonight."