Tuesday, September 8, 2015

By Malorie

Indoor Recess - Go Noodle fun!

We love lunch!

Aren't we silly?

Exploring with pattern blocks

2 triangles make a rhombus

2 Trapezoids make a hexagon

2 squares make a rectangle
We had a great time at school!  We had gym.  We had art.  We learned about letter B.  Becca starts with B!  We played outside for a little bit because it was raining.  We love rain!  We made kind of different things with the pattern blocks.  I made a flower and a pattern.  I can't wait 'till tomorrow!


Unknown said...

Your lunch time looks so much more fun than mine! Wish I could sit with my friends and be silly too. Keep learning those shapes & have a great day tomorrow.

- Charlie's mom.

Anonymous said...

It sure was a rainy day! Looks like you all had fun! :)

- Malorie's Mom

Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys managed to have fun even on a rainy day! Kindergarten is so cool!

-Mary's Mom

Anonymous said...

I had fun at school today! Art was fun today! Becca

Unknown said...

You're so much fun Mrs. Haas! Love caitlin