Wednesday, September 12, 2012

By Andon

We did letter Cc.  Caden and Cody started with C.  We talked about number 1.  We mixed up colors and they made a different color!  Blue and yellow made green.  We read about Mary Wore a Red Dress and we made our own page about our shirt.  I did blue!  I loved playtime and playing on the computer!  Tomorrow is Packer Day!  Wear your Packer shirts (or other football shirts)!


Anonymous said...

Color mixing looks like a lot of fun! Madalynn was so excited to show us all the colors she made! Madalynn's mom and dad

Anonymous said...

this is Mia's mom. I loved looking at all the colors and smiling faces. The hand prints look pretty neat :)

Anonymous said...

oopps forgot to say GO PACK GO...and Go Indians ( JV team )

The Marra Family

Anonymous said...

Wow that looks like it was fun. Messy paint COOL!

Cody's mom and dad

Anonymous said...

Wow it looks like you guys are having so much fun! We sure miss being in school. It was a great time to learn new exciting things and make new friends. Enjoy your day and all your new buddies you made!

Kevin and Gina Kloskey ~ Andons parents

P.S. Andon we can't wait to watch the videos on the blog with you tonight :O)

Donjwky said...

Wow it looks like you guys are having so much fun! We sure miss being in school. It was a great time to learn new exciting things and make new friends. Enjoy your day and all your new buddies you made! Kevin and Gina Kloskey ~ Andons parents P.S. Andon we can't wait to watch the videos on the blog with you tonight :O)

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