Wednesday, May 2, 2012

By Collin

We did a seed paper.  We got to draw something that we planted from a seed.  We read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle.  The wind was blowing and the seed got carried to where it was planted.  It grew into a flower!  We sorted pictures of what the seed needed and didn't need.  We looked at the $10 bill!  It had 10's on it.  You can trade 10 dollar bills for one 10 dollar bill.  We practiced telling time.See you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Hi! We planted some sunflower seeds and they are really growing! Katelyn is watering them. Glad you are all having fun learning about plants!

Matthew Heard
P.S. Katelyn, I will see you after your Daisy meeting.

Anonymous said...

Seeds seeds and more seeds. I can't wait to plant some tomato plant seeds. If I give you 5 dollar bills would you give me a ten dollar bill? I hope you have a wonderful evening and all you Daisy Scouts have fun at your meeting. Makena is staying for that in case a blue note wasn't sent:).
Love you my sweet Baboo!
Mrs. Kimminau