Tuesday, April 17, 2012

By Mia

We writed about ocean animals in the sea.  I picked the dolphin.  First you writed a beginning, then details, then the end.  We had our daily 5 centers.  I worked on writing and I'm taking books home today.  We did stuff what float on the water and what sinked down in the bucket.  The rock was interesting because Mrs. Haas dropped it and it made a big spill on the carpet in Makena's spot!  It was funny!  We had one little block and a big block.  We found out they float on the top of the water!  We had playtime.  Tie, tie dolphin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the blog Mia. The sink or float project sounded like a lot of fun. Matthew wondered if his matchbox cars would sink. It was nice to see you all today.

Mrs. Heard