Monday, April 2, 2012

By Isabelle

Today we learned about a fancy word called oviparous.  It means if a animal lays a egg it's oviparous but if it doesn't it's not oviparous like a mammal.  A bird is oviparous.  A butterfly is oviparous.  A fish too.  A bear is not.  A rabbit is not.  A cow is not.  People aren't.  In math, we did number gymnastics.  Mrs. Haas had to tell us a number and then we had to write it down and then we had to switch like if it was 98 then we switched it to 89 and we added one more.  Me and Taylor got a hard one of 30!  We painted a easter egg and during playtime it dried, then we cutted it out and glued it on a paper and write clues and then drawed a picture under it and then write the answer!  I had a great day!


Anonymous said...

I really liked your easter egg, especially the bright colors. I liked your comments in the blog. You made me feel like I was there with you all day.

Mr. Keeling

Hailey Graul said...

I wish I could have been there, but I wasn't feeling very well. It sounds like everyone had a fun day at school.